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ABSTRACT Romy Arya Dewa : The Battle of Kemarung in Southern Sematera 1947 The battle that has occurred in Kemarung South Sumatra was caused by the Product Operation or Military Aggression I which occurred on July 21, 1947 by Dutch and Allied forces consisting of NICA after Indonesia had become independent, the purpose of the Dutch and Allies is because they want to regain control of the area in Indonesia after the defeat of Japan by the Allies during World War II, because of this defeat by the Allies, Japan no longer has the right to its power in Indonesia, then Indonesia took advantage of this opportunity to proclaim its independence. This thesis will explain how the fighters in Indonesia defended the independence of the Indonesian homeland, which had been captured and controlled such as areas in Java and in Sumatra, especially South Sumatra, the seizure in the South Sumatra region, especially in the Baturaja area, was also assisted by Laskar Hizbullah under the leadership of KH. Ahmad Hanafiah from Lampung. This research uses historical research methods which include finding sources through contemporaneous documents, records of the Dutch and Indonesian governments and various secondary sources as a comparison, as well as additional sources to strengthen the theory, then through verification of sources the author does by equalizing and concluding between one source and another, then in the last stage, historical writing is carried out by presenting an explanation of the causes of the conflict. The results of this study found that the Dutch and the Allies in the scope of the unit formed under the name NICA aimed to control the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia which was rich in natural resources, they succeeded in sweetly deceiving Indonesia by offering freedom and independence just because they wanted to control Indonesia after Japan experienced defeat by the Allies, Military Aggression I efforts to take territory in Indonesia, iv especially in the discussion, namely in Southern Sumatra, were given great resistance by the Laskar troops under the leadership of KH. Ahmad Hanafiah, the fighters fought the Dutch who had succeeded in controlling several areas in Southern Sumatra and the fighters tried to recapture and secure several areas in Southern Sumatra, although in the end they were the Laskar troops and KH. Ahmad Hanafiah, the fighters fought the Dutch who had succeeded in controlling several areas in Southern Sumatra and the fighters tried to recapture and secure several areas in Southern Sumatra, although in the end they were defeated by the Laskar troops and KH. Ahmad Hanafiah, this did not make other fighters discouraged, instead the fighters and even all Indonesian people were increasingly eager to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, sacrificing blood for the beloved Indonesian homeland, defending independence with all sacrifices of body and soul. The Indonesian people from all walks of life such as clerics, TNI, Laskar fighters, and the people are united in order to reclaim and expel foreign nations who want the wealth of resources in Indonesia. The conclusion of this is that the awakening of Indonesia, which has raised the Red and White Heritage, cannot be lowered again but helps each other to continue to uphold, the higher, as high as possible the Red and White Flag fluttering. Keywords: Aggression, Hanafiah, Kemarung. v ABSTRAK Romy Arya Dewa : Pertempuran di Kemarung Sumatera Bagian Selatan 1947 Pertempuran yang telah terjadi di Kemarung Sumatera Bagian Selatan diakibatkan karena adanya Operasi Produk atau Agresi Militer I yang terjadi pada tanggal 21 Juli 1947 oleh pasukan Belanda dan Sekutu yang terdiri dari NICA setelah Indonesia telah merdeka, tujuan dari Belanda dan Sekutu ini karena ingin kembali menguasai daerah yang ada di Indonesia setelah kekalahan Jepang oleh Sekutu pada saat Perang Dunia II, dikarenakan kekalahan tersebut oleh Sekutu maka Jepang tak berhak lagi atas kekuasaanya di Indonesia, maka kemudian Indonesia memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut untuk memproklamasikan kemerdekaanya. Skripsi ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana para pejuang di Indonesia dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan Tanah Air Indonesia, yang telah direbut dan dikuasai seperti wilayah-wilayah di Jawa dan di Sumatera khususnya Sumatera Selatan, perebutan diwilayah Sumatera Selatan terutama di daerah Baturaja turut dibantu oleh pasuka Laskar Hizbullah dibawah kepemimpinan KH. Ahmad Hanafiah asal Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang meliputi pencarian sumber melalui dokumen sezaman, catatan�catatan pemerintah Belanda maupun dari Indonesia dan berbagai sumber sekunder sebagai pembanding, serta sumber-sumber tambahan guna memperkuat teori, kemudian melalui Verifikasi sumber penulis melakukan dengan cara menyamakan dan menyimpulkan antara sumber satu dengan sumber lainnya, kemudian pada tahap terakhir, penulisan sejarah dilakukan dengan penyajian eksplanasi sebab akibat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwasannya pihak Belanda dan Sekutu dalam satuan lingkup yang dibentuk dengan nama NICA bertujuan untuk menguasai seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia yang kaya akan sumber daya alam, mereka berhasil mengelabuhi Indonesia dengan manis dengan cara menawarkan vi kebebasan serta kemerdekaan hanya karena ingin menguasai Indonesia setelah Jepang mengalami kekalahannya oleh sekutu, Agresi Militer I upaya pengambilan wilayah di Indonesia khususnya pada pembahasan yakni di Sumatera Bagian Selatan telah di berikan perlawanan yang hebat oleh pasukan Laskar dibawah pimpinan KH. Ahmad Hanafiah, para pejuang memerangi Belanda yang telah berhasil menguasai beberapa daerah-daerah di Sumatera Bagian Selatan dan para pejuang berupaya merebut serta mengamankan kembali beberapa wilayah di Sumatera Bagian Selatan, walaupun akhirnya mereka para pasukan Laskar serta KH. Ahmad Hanafiah berhasil dikalahkan, hal ini tidak membuat para pejuang lain berkecil hati, justru para pejuang bahkan seluruh rakyat Indonesia semakin bersemangat menjaga keutuhan Republik Indonesia, mengorbankan tumpah darah demi Tanah Air Indonesia tercinta, mempertahankan kemerdekaan dengan segenap pengorbanan jiwa raga. Para rakyat Indonesia dari semua kalangan seperti tokoh ulama, TNI, Laskar pejuang, dan rakyat bersatu padu demi merebut kembali dan mengusir bangsa asing yang menginginkan kekayaan sumber daya di Indonesia. Sebagai simpulan dari hal ini adalah kebangkitan Indonesia yang telah mengibarkan Pusaka Sang Saka Merah Putih tidak dapat kembali diturunkan melainkan saling membantu untuk terus menjunjung tinggi, semakin tinggi, setinggi mungkin Bendera Merah Putih berkibar. Kata Kunci : Agresi, Hanafiah, Kemarung.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: Sejarah Peradaban Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Adab > Sejarah Peradaban Islam
Date Deposited: 01 Jul 2024 02:52
Last Modified: 01 Jul 2024 05:09

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