Andri, Gunawan (2024) EFEKTIVITAS PENERAPAN APLIKASI E-SAMDES TERHADAP KEPATUHAN PEMBAYARAN PAJAK KENDARAAN BERMOTOR (Studi di BUMDES Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera Desa Rejomulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan). Diploma thesis, UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

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ABSTRAK E-Samdes merupakan program pertama pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor di desa melalui BUMDES, sehingga masyarakat tidak perlu datang ke Samsat, cukup mendatangi BUMDES terdekat. Sejak terbentuk aplikasi E-Samdes telah membantu masyarakat di perdesaan terutama di Desa Rejomulyo untuk membayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor. E-Samdes merupakan salah satu bentuk pelayanan publik yang menggunakan sistem elektronik di dalam pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB). Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat Desa Rejomulyo akan proses pembayaran pajak melalui inovasi aplikasi E-Samdes itu sendiri menjadikan rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk membayar pajak kendaraan bermotor melalui aplikasi tersebut. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian field research atau penelitian lapangan. Analisis data pada penelitian kualitatif, dilakukan saat sedang pengumpulan data dan saat setelah dikumpulkannya data tersebut dalam waktu teretentu. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang dilakukan kepada BUMDES Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera Desa Rejomulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa, efektivitas penerapan aplikasi E-Samdes terhadap kepatuhan pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor di BUMDES Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera belum efektif, karena indikator teori efektifitas belum mencapai 50%. . Faktor pendorong efektivitas penerapan aplikasi E�Samdes : a) Pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor lewat aplikasi E�Samdes memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat dalam hal pelayanan pembayaran pajak. b) Pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor di BUMDES dikenakan biaya administrasi yang sangat murah. Faktor penghambat efektivitas penerapan aplikasi E-Samdes: a) Rendahnya partisipasi masyarakat Desa Rejomulyo dalam pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor melalui aplikasi E-Samdes. b) Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat Desa Rejomulyo mengenai penting dan wajibnya membayar pajak kendaraan bermotor. Kata Kunci : Efektivitas, Aplikasi E-Samdes, Kepatuhan Pembayaran Pajak. ABSTRACT E-Samdes is the first program for paying motor vehicle tax in villages through BUMDES, so people don't need to come to Samsat, just go to the nearest BUMDES. Since the formation of the E-Samdes application, it has helped people in rural areas, especially in Rejomulyo Village, to pay motor vehicle taxes. E-Samdes is a form of public service that uses an electronic system in paying Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB). The lack of understanding of the Rejomulyo Village community regarding the tax payment process through the innovative E-Samdes application itself has resulted in low public awareness of paying motor vehicle taxes through this application. In writing this thesis, the author used field research methods. Data analysis in qualitative research is carried out during data collection and after the data has been collected within a certain time. Meanwhile, the data collection method used observation, interviews and documentation methods which were carried out at BUMDES Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera, Rejomulyo Village, Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency. The results of this research show that the effectiveness of implementing the E-Samdes application on motor vehicle tax payment compliance at BUMDES Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera has not been effective. Tax payments made by taxpayers conventionally rather than using the E-Samdes application means that the implementation of the E-Samdes application cannot be said to be effective. Factors driving the effectiveness of implementing the E�Samdes application: a) Payment of motor vehicle tax via the E�Samdes application makes it easy for the public in terms of tax payment services. b) Payment of motor vehicle tax at BUMDES is subject to very cheap administration fees. Factors inhibiting the effectiveness of implementing the E-Samdes application: a) Low participation of the Rejomulyo Village community in paying motor vehicle taxes through the E-Samdes application. b) Lack of understanding by the people of Rejomulyo Village regarding the importance and obligation of paying motor vehicle tax. Keywords: Effectiveness, E-Samdes Application, Tax Payment Compliance.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: Pemikiran Politik Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin > Pemikiran Politik Islam
Date Deposited: 26 Sep 2024 07:29
Last Modified: 26 Sep 2024 07:29
URI: https://repository.radenintan.ac.id/id/eprint/35472

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