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ABSTRAK PENGARUH INTERAKSI EDUKATIF DAN REWARD AND PUNISHMENT TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PADA MATA PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM KELAS V SD NEGERI 4 KURIPAN KECAMATAN KOTAAGUNG KABUPATEN TANGGAMUS Melalui penelitian Pengaruh Interaksi Edukatif dan Reward And Punishment Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas V Di SD Negeri 4 Kuripan, Kecamatan Kotaagung, Kabupaten Tanggamus. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah (1) Untuk menjelaskan pengaruh Interaksi Edukatif terhadap Hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas V di SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (2) Untuk menjelaskan pengaruh Reward And Punishment terhadap Hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas V di SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (3) Untuk menjelaskan pengaruh Interaksi Edukatif dan Reward And Punishment terhadap Hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas V di SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. Jenis penelitian didalam penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian asosiasif hubungan kausal dengan pendekatan Kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi didalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 4 Kuripan pada tahun pelajaran 2021-2022 yang berjumlah 113 peserta didik, sampel nya 28 peserta didik dan tehnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling atau secara acak. Tehnik pengumpulan data didalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan tehnik analisis data berupa analisis normalitas, linieritas, regresi berganda dan koefesien determinan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah (1) Terdapat pengaruh Interaksi Edukatif terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas V di SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (2) Terdapat pengaruh Reward And Punishment terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas V di SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (3) Terdapat pengaruh Interaksi Edukatif dan Reward And Punishment terhadap Hasil Belajar pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas V di SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. Kata Kunci : Interaksi Edukatif, Reward And Punishment dan Hasil Belajar iii ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF EDUCATIVE INTERACTION AND REWARD AND PUNISHMENT ON STUDENTS' LEARNING OUTCOMES IN ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SUBJECTS CLASS V SD NEGERI 4 KURIPAN KOTAAGUNG DISTRICT TANGGAMUS REGENCY Through research on the Effect of Educational Interaction and Reward and Punishment on Student Learning Outcomes in Class V Islamic Religious Education Subjects at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan, Kotaagung District, Tanggamus Regency. The aims of the study were (1) to explain the effect of Educative Interaction on the learning outcomes of students in Islamic Religious Education Class V at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (2) To explain the effect of Reward and Punishment on student learning outcomes in Class V Islamic Religious Education at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (3) To explain the effect of Educative Interaction and Reward and Punishment on student learning outcomes in Class V Islamic Religious Education at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. The type of research in this study is an associative type of causal relationship research with a descriptive quantitative approach. The population in this study were all fifth grade students at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan in the 2021-2022 academic year, totaling 113 students, the sample was 28 students and the sampling technique used simple random sampling or randomly. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed using data analysis techniques in the form of analysis of normality, linearity, multiple regression and coefficient of determination. The conclusions of this study are (1) There is an effect of Educative Interaction on Student Learning Outcomes in Class V Islamic Religious Education at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (2) There is an effect of Reward and Punishment on Student Learning Outcomes in Class V Islamic Religious Education subject at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. (3) There is an influence of Educative Interaction and Reward and Punishment on Learning Outcomes in Class V Islamic Religious Education subjects at SD Negeri 4 Kuripan. Keywords: Educative Interaction, Reward And Punishment and Learning Outcomes iv مهخص تأثٍر انتفبعم انتربوي و تطبٍق انثواة وانعقبة عهى وتبئج تعهم انطهبت فً درش انتربٍت انذٌىٍت اإلضالمٍت نهصف انخبمص فى مذرضت االبتذائىت انحكومٍت 4 مىطقتكورٌببن كوتبجووج، رٌجىطى تبوجبموش يٍ خالل انبغذ ػٍ حأرٍش انخفاػم انخشبىي و حطبٍك انزىاب وانؼماب ػهى َخائش حؼهى انطهبت فً دسط انخشبٍت انذٌٍُت اإلعاليٍت نهصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ، كىحاصىَش، سٌضُغى حاَضايىط، حهذف انذساعت انى )ٔ( انكشف ػهى حأرٍش انخفاػم انخشبىي ػهى َخائش حؼهى انطهبت فً دسط انخشبٍت انذٌٍُت اإلعاليٍت نهصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ )ٕ( انكشف حأرٍش حطبٍك انزىاب وانؼماب ػهى َخائش حؼهى انطهبت فً دسط انخشبٍت انذٌٍُت اإلعاليٍت نهصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ )ٖ( انكشف حأرٍش انخفاػم انخشبىي و حطبٍك انزىاب وانؼماب ػهى َخائش حؼهى انطهبت فً دسط انخشبٍت انذٌٍُت اإلعاليٍت نهصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ. هزا انبغذ هى بغذ االسحبا انغببً يغ يُهش بغذ كًً. ويضخًغ انبغذ فً هزِ انذساعت صًٍغ هبت انصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ فً انؼاو انذساعً ٕٕٔٓ-ٕٕٕٓ ، وبهؾ ػذدهى ٖٔٔ انبًا ، وحى حغذٌذ انؼٍُت انًكىَت يٍ 2 ٕانبًا بطشٌمت أخز انؼٍُاث انؼشىائٍت أو بشكم ػشىائً. نضًغ انبٍاَاث حغخخذو االعخبٍاَاث وانًمابالث وانخىرٍك. و حغهٍم انبٍاَاث انخً حى انغصىل ػهٍها حغخخذو حمٍُاث انخغهٍم انطبٍؼً وانخطً واالَغذاس انًخؼذد ويؼايم انخغذٌذ. حظهش َخائش انذساعت أٌ )ٔ( هُان حأرٍش إٌضابً انخفاػم انخشبىي ػهى َخائش حؼهى انطهبت فً دسط انخشبٍت انذٌٍُت اإلعاليٍت نهصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ )ٕ( هُان حأرٍش إٌضابً حطبٍك انزىاب وانؼماب ػهى َخائش حؼهى انطهبت فً دسط انخشبٍت انذٌٍُت اإلعاليٍت نهصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ )ٖ( هُان حأرٍش إٌضابً انخفاػم انخشبىي و حطبٍك انزىاب وانؼماب ػهى َخائش حؼهى انطهبت فً دسط انخشبٍت انذٌٍُت اإلعاليٍت نهصف انخايظ فى يذسعت االبخذائىت انغكىيٍت ٗ يُطمتكىسٌباٌ. انكهمبث انرئٍطٍت: انخفاػم انخشبىي، انزىاب وانؼماب، وَخائش انخؼهى
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | Pendidikan Agama islam |
Divisions: | Pasca Sarjana > S2 Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Pendidikan Agama Islam |
Date Deposited: | 14 Mar 2023 04:28 |
Last Modified: | 14 Mar 2023 04:28 |
URI: | |
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