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ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang hak dan kewajiban suami istri menurut pemikiran Syaikh Zainuddīn al-Malībary yang termaktub dalam karyanya kitab Fatḥ al-Muīn. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh masih adanya tidak seimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban di dalam keluarga muslim di era modern, Serta masih adanya belenggu patriarkhi dalam keluarga muslim yang disebabkan superioritas laki-laki dalam penafsiran al-Qur’an dan penerjemahan kitab-kitab fikih klasik yang kurang tepat. Seperti kitab Fatḥ al-Muīn karya syaikh Zainuddīn al-Malībary yang merangkum banyak permasalahan hukum fikih. Rumusah masalahnya terdiri dari: Bagaimana relevansi hak dan kewajiban suami istri perspektif Al-Malībari pembaruan hukum Islam ? dan bagaimana kontribusi hak dan kewajiban suami istri perspektif Al-Malībary dalam pembaruan hukum Islam di Indonesia? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggaji ulang konsep hak dan kewajiban suami istri pemikiran Zainuddin al Malaibary agar dapat berkontribusi dalam pembaruan hukum keluarga di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode pustaka (library research serta menggunakan teori Mubadalah dan pendekatan sosiologi hukum islam, adapun data primernya itu bersumber dari kitab Fatḥ al-Muīn karangan Syaikh Zainuddin al�Malibary. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: Hak dan kewajiban suami istri yang ditulis oleh al-Malībary sebagian besarnya masih relevan bagi sebagian masyarakat Indonesia saat ini, sebagiannya sangat butuh pembaruan. Diantara pembaruannya yaitu Pertama kewajiban mencari nafkah yang mutlak dibebankan kepada suami harusnya bisa diemban oleh siapapun dengan berpedoman pada prinsip saling memberi dan kerjasama. Kedua kewajiban patuh bukan berarti harus melayani, tetapi lebih kepada relasi saling membantu satu sama lain. Ketiga tidak ada larangan keluar rumah bagi istri, kecuali jika diperlukan untuk melindunginya dari kejahatan atau mencegahnya dari perbuatan mungkar. Keempat batas minimal mahar sepertinya perlu diterapkan di Indonesia, untuk digunakan sebagai pedoman bagi yang akan melaksanakan pernikahan, tetapi bukan diwajibkan. Keyword: Hak dan kewajiban, Suami Istri, Zainuddīn al-Malībary v ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the rights and obligations of husband and wife according to the thoughts of Shaykh Zainuddīn al-Malībary which are contained in his book Fatḥ al-Muīn. This research is motivated by the existence of an imbalance between rights and obligations in Muslim families in the modern era, as well as the existence of patriarchal shackles in Muslim families due to the superiority of men in the interpretation of the Qur'an and the translation of classical fiqh books. less precise. Like the book Fatḥ al-Muīn by Shaykh Zainuddīn al-Malībary which summarizes many problems of fiqh law. The problem formulation consists of: How is the relevance of the rights and obligations of husband and wife from the perspective of Al-Malībari to Islamic law reform? and how is the contribution of the rights and obligations of husband and wife from the perspective of Al-Malībary in the reform of Islamic law in Indonesia? The purpose of this study is to review the concept of the rights and obligations of husband and wife in the opinion of Zainuddin al Malaibary in order to contribute to the reform of family law in Indonesia. This type of research is qualitative by using library research and using Mubadalah theory and the sociological approach of Islamic law, while the primary data comes from the book Fatḥ al-Muīn written by Shaykh Zainuddin al-Malibary. The purpose of this research is to review the concept of rights and the obligation of husband and wife to think Zainuddin al Malaibary to be able to contribute to family law reform in Indonesia. The result of the research is that the rights and obligations of husband and wife written by al-Malībary are mostly still relevant for some Indonesian people today, some of them really need reform. Among the reforms, namely: First, the obligation to earn a living which is absolutely borne by the husband should be carried out by anyone guided by the principles of mutual giving and cooperation. Second obligations to obey do not mean having to serve, but rather about helping each other. Third, there is no prohibition against going out of the house for the wife, except when it is necessary to protect her from evil or prevent her from doing evil deeds. fourth minimum mahar limits seem to need to be applied in Indonesia, to be used as guidelines for those who will carry out marriages, but they are not mandatory. Keyword: Rights and obligations, Husband and Wife, Zainuddīn al-Malībary
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | Al-Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah (Hukum Keluarga) |
Divisions: | Pasca Sarjana > S2 Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum Keluarga |
Date Deposited: | 03 Oct 2022 07:04 |
Last Modified: | 03 Oct 2022 07:04 |
URI: | |
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