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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh tingkat kepuasan peserta didik dalam pelayanan administrasi di SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Lampung. Pelayanan prima yang diberikan staf administrasi sekolah menjadi penentu kepuasan peserta didik, dimulai dari aspek kemampuan, sikap, penampilan, perhatian, tindakan dan tanggung jawab yang sudah dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya. Walaupun terdapat rasa kurang puas peserta didik terhadap tindakan pendistribusian buku yang terkadang tidak tepat waktu walaupun hal tersebut merupakan permasalahan pengiriman dari pusat pustaka. Dari sisi lain dalam hal kemampuan, bersikap, berpenampilan, perhatian, tindakan dan tanggung jawab staf administrasi secara keseluruhan sudah melaksanakannya dengan baik. Maka dari itu penelitian ini merujuk pada hal-hal positif yang ada di sekolah tersebut mengenai pelayanan prima staf administrasi pada aspek kemampuan, sikap, penampilan, perhatian dan tanggung jawab dalam meningkatkan kepuasan peserta didik di SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dengan jenis kualitatif deskriptif, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis datanya adalah reduksi, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan triangulasi yang menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diantaranya, Kepala sekolah, Kepala tata usaha, staf tata usaha dan peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelayanan prima staf administrasi dalam meningkatkan kepuasan peserta didik di SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Lampung pada aspek kemampuan dimulai dari kemampuan pengelolaan kurikulum merdeka dan kurikulum 2013, administrasi peserta didik terlihat dari sistem penerimaan siswa, sarana prasarana sudah sudah termanaajemen walaupun terdapat kekurangan kelas dan LCD proyektor, administrasi kearsipan alurnya sudah jelas terlihat dari mulai prosedur surat masuk hingga pemusnahannya, keuangan terlihat dari adanya pembagian tugas, bendahara komite dan bendahara BOS, selain itu adanya buku kas pengeluaran yang dikontrol setiap bulannya, terdapat keunikan berupa penyaluran uang infaq melalui lembaga amil zakat infaq dan iv shodaqoh Muhammadiyah. Aspek sikap terlihat dari aspek pertama yaitu kognitif atau keyakinan yang menerapkan ajaran islam Muhammadiyah, dengan prinsip 5s dan tidak bersentuhan dengan yang bukan mahrom dan meneladani sifat-sifat Rasulullah Saw seperti shiddiq, amanah, fathanah, dan tabligh. Aspek penampilan didasari dengan menyesuaikan syariat islam dan mengikuti cara berpakaian sesuai aturan sekolah juga wajib menggunakan tanda pengenal dan berpakaian rapi. Aspek perhatian dalam wujud perhatian langsung sangat memperhatika kebutuhan pelayanan peserta didik dengan cepat dan menjalin kedekatan seperti orang tua dan anak melalui pangggilan abi dan bunda. Selanjutnya perhatian tidak langsung ketika menyediakan kebutuhan siswa baik masa sekarang maupun yang akan datang. Aspek tindakan berupa tindakan terhadap kebutuhan siswa, seperti duplikat sertifikat, surat menyurat yang dibutuhkan siswa. Kemudian tindakan terhadap keluhan siswa terlihat dari sikap cepat dan tanggap. Aspek tanggung jawab dalam meningkatkan kepuasan peserta didik sudah dilaksanakan maksimal sesuai dengan tupoksinya, dalam penentuan tupoksi Kepala TU dan Kepala Sekolah selalu melibatkan staf, sehingga staf bisa menyuarakan pendapatnya. Staf juga selalu membantu ketika ada siswa yang membutuhkan bantuan. Dalam penyelesaian tugasnya staf selalu berpegang pada ajaran Rasulullah Saw. Dalam memberikan timbal balik baik sesama staf ataupun kepada siswa selalu mengapresiasi pretasi dengan sekedar mengucapkan, pemberian gift hingga rekomendasi kenaikan gaji untuk staf dan potongan SPP untuk siswa. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelayanan prima staf admnistrasi telah meningkatkan kepuasan peserta didik. Kata Kunci : Pelayanan Prima, Kepuasan Peserta Didik v ABSTRACT This research was motivated by the good level of student satisfaction with administrative services at SD This research was motivated by the level of student satisfaction in administrative services at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Lampung. Excellent service provided by school administration staff determines student satisfaction, starting from aspects of ability, attitude, appearance, attention, actions and responsibilities that have been carried out properly. Although there is a feeling of dissatisfaction among students with the actions of distributing books which are sometimes not on time even though this is a problem with delivery from the library center. From the other side, in terms of ability, attitude, appearance, attention, actions and responsibilities, the administrative staff as a whole have carried it out well. Therefore, this research refers to the positive things that exist in the school regarding the excellent service of administrative staff in the aspects of ability, attitude, appearance, attention and responsibility in increasing student satisfaction at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Lampung. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method, using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis techniques are reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and triangulation using source triangulation. Data sources in this research include the school principal, head of administration, administrative staff and students. Based on the research results, it shows that the excellent service of administrative staff in increasing student satisfaction at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Lampung in the capability aspect starts from the ability to manage the independent curriculum and the 2013 curriculum, student administration can be seen from the student admission system, infrastructure has been managed even though there are deficiencies. class and LCD projector, the archival administration flow is clearly visible from the procedure for incoming letters to their destruction, finances can be seen from the division of tasks, committee treasurer and BOS treasurer, apart from that there is a cash book of expenses that is controlled every month, there is a unique form of channeling infaq money through Muhammadiyah zakat infaq and vi shodaqoh institutions. The attitude aspect can be seen from the first aspect, namely cognitive or belief that applies Muhammadiyah Islamic teachings, with the 5s principles and does not come into contact with non-mahroms and imitates the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad, such as siddiq, amanah, fathanah, and tabligh. The appearance aspect is based on conforming to Islamic law and following how to dress according to school rules. You are also required to wear identification marks and dress neatly. The attention aspect in the form of direct attention really pays attention to students' service needs quickly and builds closeness like parents and children through calling Abi and Mum. Furthermore, indirect attention is when providing for students' needs both now and in the future. The action aspect takes the form of taking action against student needs, such as duplicate certificates, correspondence that students need. Then action on student complaints can be seen from a quick and responsive attitude. The aspect of responsibility in increasing student satisfaction has been carried out maximally in accordance with its main duties and functions, in determining the main duties and functions of the TU Head and Principal always involving staff, so that staff can voice their opinions. The staff are also always helpful when there are students who need help. In completing their duties, the staff always adheres to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. In giving feedback to both fellow staff and students, they always appreciate achievements by simply saying things, giving gifts and recommending salary increases for staff and tuition reductions for students. So it can be concluded that the excellent service of administrative staff has increased student satisfaction Keywords: Excellent Service, Student Satisfaction

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2024 04:10
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2024 05:12

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