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ABSTRACT The biodiversity that is spread in Indonesia is very diverse and abundant compared to other countries, therefore it must be maintained and preserved. An understanding of biodiversity conservation must start early. This understanding begins with an introduction to biodiversity, problems and issues related to biodiversity and forms of biodiversity conservation activities which include plants and animals. This research method is a qualitative research used is classroom action research. The research design is the strategy chosen by the researcher to thoroughly integrate the research components in a logical and systematic way to discuss and analyze what is the focus of the research that the author does is using the CAR research design (Classroom Action Research). With research conducted using Classroom Action Research using the first and second 2 cycles by explaining biodiversity centers. The design of this writing research is to use purposive sampling, there is documentation from the teacher. Based on the results of research on activities in biodiversity centers that have been carried out, the authors can conclude that efforts to increase the naturalist intelligence of early childhood at Daharma Wanita Kindergarten have developed very well (BSB). The increase in children's creativity has increased in each cycle. In the first cycle, there were 6 (35%) children who developed very well (BSB), 2 (11%) children developed according to expectations (BSH), started to develop (MB) 2 (11%) ) children, not yet developed there are 7(41%) children. whereas in cycle II it experienced an increase, namely children who were developing very well (BSB) there were 15 (88%) children, developing as expected (BSH) there were 1 (5%) children, Starting to Develop (MB) 1 (5%) children, Not yet Developed (BB ) There isn't any. In coloring activities, get to know the flora, fauna and natural events of volcanic eruptions. Judging from the talents, interests and enthusiasm of each child, they are not the same. The coloring activity and practicing it by using the materials provided such as green beans, leaves and caterpillars and butterflies so that they get closer and get to know animals as well as get to know the natural phenomena of volcanic eruptions which were carried out at Daharma Wanita Kindergarten went well as children started to get interested in coloring, children started discovering things new, children can already be able to choose colors and can complete coloring tasks independently. Keywords: Naturalist Intelligence, Centra Biodiversity, Early Childhood iv ABSTRAK Keanekaragaman hayati (biodiversity) yang tersebar di Indonesia sangat beragam dan melimpah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain, oleh sebab itu harus dijaga dan dilestarikan. Pemahaman tentang pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati harus dimulai sejak dini.Pemahaman tersebut dimulai dari pengenalan keanekaragaman hayati, permasalahan dan isu terkait dengan keanekaragaman hayati dan bentuk kegiatan pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati yang meliputi tumbuhan dan hewan. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Desain penelitian adalah strategi yang dipilih oleh peneliti untuk mengintegrasikan secara menyeluruh komponen riset dengan cara logis dan sistematis untuk membahas dan menganalisis apa yang menjadi fokus penelitianyang penulis lakukan adalahh menggunakan dsign penelitian PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas). Dengan penelitian yang dilakukan menggunkan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan menggunkaan 2 silkus pertama dan kedua dengan menjelaskan centra biodiversity. Design penelitian penulisan ini adalah menggunakan purposive sampling, terdapat dokumentasi dari guru . Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian mengenai kegiatan dalam sentra biodiversity yang sudah dilakukan, maka dapat penulis simpulkan bahwa upaya meningkatkan kecerdasan naturalis anak usia dini diTk Daharma Wanita sudah berkembang sangat baik (BSB). Peningkatan kreativitas anak mengalamipeningkatan pada setiap siklusnya.pada siklus I anak yang berkembang sangatbaik (BSB) ada 6(35%) anak, berkembang sesuai harapan (BSH) ada 2(11%) anak,mulai berkembang(MB) ada 2(11%) anak, belum berkembang ada 7(41%) anak. sedangkan pada siklus IImengalami peningkatan, yaitu anak yangberkembang sangat baik (BSB) ada 15(88%) anak, berkembang sesuaiharapan (BSH) ada 1(5%) anak, Mulai Berkembang (MB) 1(5%) anak, BelumBerkembang (BB) tidak ada. Dalam kegiatan mewarnai, mengenal flora, fauna serta kejadian alam gunung meletus.dilihat dari bakat, minat, dansemangat setiap anak tidak sama. Kegiatan mewarnai serta mempraktikanya dengan menggunkan bahan bahan yang disediakan seperti kacang hijau, daun dan ulat serta kupu kupu agar lebih dekat dan mengenal binatang serta mengenal fenomena alam gunung meletus yang dilakukan diTk Daharma Wanita berjalan dengan baik seperti anak mulaitertarik untuk mewarnai, anak mulai menemuakan hal baru, anak sudahbisa untuk dapat memilih warna serta dapat menyelesaikan tugasmewarnai secara mandiri. Kata Kunci :Kecerdasan Naturalis, Centra Biodiversity, Anak Usia Dini
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini |
Divisions: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jul 2023 03:24 |
Last Modified: | 20 Jul 2023 03:47 |
URI: | |
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