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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan karena di SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu mempunyai banyak siswa ditengah persaingan pendidikan. Analisis bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) dipilih karena unsur 7P (product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, dan processs) merupakan alat bagi pemasar yang terdiri atas berbagai unsur suatu program pemasaran yang perlu dipertimbangkan agar segmentasi, targeting, dan positioning yang ditetapkan dapat berjalan sukses. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan bauran pemasaran jasa pendidikan di SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, jenis penelitian dengan jenis kualitatif sifat deskriptif dalam hal ini mengamati strategi pemasaran pendidikan di SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala sekolah, Waka Kurikulum dan Kepala Tata Usaha. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi pemasaran pendidikan melalui bauran pemasaran di SMK Ma’arif Banymas Pringsewu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data primer dipilih langsung oleh responden dari responden mengenai bauran pemasaran, sedangkan untuk data skunder berupa teori-teori, data statistik serta penunjang lainya diperoleh kepustakaan dan dokumentasi sekolah. kemudian terkait uji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa strategi pemasaran pendidikan di SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu sangat baik yaitu :1) product (produk), SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu menawarkan produk berupa program keahlian yaituTeknik Jaringan Komputer (TKJ), Teknik dan Bisnis Sepeda Motor (TBSM), dan Otomatisasi dan Tata Kelola Perkantoran (OTKP). 2) price (harga), harga yang ditetapkan oleh SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu yaitu untuk pembayaran SPP Rp. 125.000 per bulan, registrasi penerimaan peserta didik baru Rp. 600.000, pembayaran infak Rp. 1.500.000, dan membebaskan biaya untuk anak yatim piatu. 3)place (tempat) SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu terletak ditempat yang sangat strategis karena sangat mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat, jalan menuju kesekolah yang mudah di akses oleh transportasi umum maupun pribadi serta keamanan menuju lokasi dan lingkungan sekolah yang sangat sejuk, aman dan nyaman. 4) Promotion (promosi), promosi iii yang dilakukan SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu melalui brosur, pamflet, website, facebook, twitter, dan promosi yang secara tidak langsung oleh masyarakat. 5) people (orang) kualifikasi akademik tenaga pendidik , dari ke 47 guru 44 diantaranya sudah berijazah S1, 2 guru berijazah D3, dan 1 guru berijazah SLTA. 6) physical evidence (bukti fisik), sarana dan prasarana di SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu memadai dan menunjang kegiatan proses belajar mengajar. 7) process (proses), proses di SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu pada tahap pertama yaitu seleksi penerimaan peserta didik dimana ada 2 jalur penerimaan peserta didik yaitu jalur prestasi akademik , yaitu seleksi peserta didik melalui seleksi nilai rapor siswa dan jalur reguler, yaitu proses seleksi melalui tes tertulis, lisan dan wawancara. Kedua proses pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan efektif dan efesien dengan pedoman kurikulum yang terstruktur baik, guru yang berkompeten, serta sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Ketiga hasil atau lulusan, hasil atau lulusan sesuai dengan harapan sekolah yaitu siswa yang berprestasi, berkembang bakatnya, dan mampu mengamalkan nilai nilai keagamaan. Kata kunci :Bauran Pemasatan (Marketing Mix) SMK Ma’arif Banyumas Pringsewu,Target Sasaran iv ABSTRACT This research was conducted because at SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu there were many students in the midst of educational competition. Analysis of the marketing mix (marketing mix) was chosen because the 7P elements (product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process) are tools for marketers which consist of various elements of a marketing program that need to be considered so that segmentation, targeting, and positioning set can run successfully. This study aims to determine how the application of the marketing mix of educational services at SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu. The method in this study uses a qualitative method, the type of research with a qualitative type is descriptive in this case observing the marketing strategy of education at SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu. The subjects in this study were the school principal, deputy head of curriculum and head of administration. The object of this research is the marketing strategy of education through the marketing mix at SMK Ma'arif Banymas Pringsewu. This study uses data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The primary data was selected directly by the respondents from the respondents regarding the marketing mix, while for the secondary data in the form of theories, statistical data and other supporting data obtained from the school library and documentation. then related to the validity of the data test is done by triangulation of sources. The data analysis of this research used data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the marketing strategy of education at SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu was very good, namely: 1) product, SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu offered products in the form of expertise programs, namely Computer Network Engineering (TKJ), Motorcycle Engineering and Business ( TBSM), and Office Automation and Governance (OTKP). 2) price (price), the price set by SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu, namely for paying tuition fees of Rp. 125,000 per month, new student re-registration payment is Rp. 600,000, infaq payment of Rp. 1,500,000, and waiving fees for orphans. 3) place (place) SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu is located in a very strategic place because it is very easy to reach by the community, the road to school is easily accessible by public and private transportation and security to the location and school environment is very cool, safe and comfortable . 4) Promotion v (promotion), the promotion carried out by Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu Vocational School through brochures, pamphlets, websites, facebook, twitter, and indirect promotions by the public. 5) people (people) academic qualifications of educators, of the 47 teachers, 44 of them have a bachelor's degree, 2 teachers have a D3 certificate, and 1 teacher has a high school diploma. 6) physical evidence, facilities and infrastructure at SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu are adequate and support teaching and learning process activities. 7) process, the process at Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu Vocational School in the first stage is the selection of student admissions where there are 2 ways to accept students, namely the academic achievement path, namely the selection of students through the selection of student report cards and the regular path, namely the process selection through written, oral and interview tests. Second, the learning process, the learning process runs effectively and efficiently with well-structured curriculum guidelines, competent teachers, and adequate facilities and infrastructure. The three results or graduates, results or graduates are in accordance with school expectations, namely students who excel, develop their talents, and are able to practice religious values. Keywords :Marketing Mix, SMK Ma'arif Banyumas Pringsewu, Targets

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2022 07:20
Last Modified: 03 Aug 2022 07:20

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