STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOLOGY IN ONLINE ASSESSMENT A Thesis Submitted as A Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For Seminar

AULIA, NUR AZIZAH (2021) STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOLOGY IN ONLINE ASSESSMENT A Thesis Submitted as A Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For Seminar. Undergraduate thesis, UIN RADEN INTAN LAMPUNG.

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STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOLOGY IN ONLINE ASSESSMENT By Aulia Nur Azizah During pandemic, English teaching leaning activity especially in English mid-term assessment at SMA Perintis 1 Bandar Lampung used Schoology as an alternative assessment media. Schoology itself is an online course management system that provides several features to facilitated the teachers, student, and parents in doing or managing the educational activity. This change certainly brought changes both in the perception and implementation of the use of the media. Therefore the researcher wanted to know more detail and describe about how the students‟ perception and their reason also the implementation especially about the steps of using schoology in English mid-term assessment. This researcher used descriptive qualitative as a research method. Researcher also prepared and carried out research such as giving an open ended questionnaires for finding data about student perceptions on the use of schoology in online assessment at XI IPA 2 and observing for finding data about the implementation of the use of schoology in online assessment. After the researcher got the data, then analyzed with the triangulation. Finally the researcher made the conclusion of the result of the data. The result of this research were first, the students‟ perception on the use of schoology They have different perception and their reason, some of students feel happy, because they answer with the sentences that can be concluded “acceptance” or can be said that positive perception, and another some of students feel unhappy, because they answer with the sentences that can be concluded as “rejection” or can be said that negative perception. Second, about the implementation of using schoology especially about how the steps of using schoology in English mid-term assessment, based on data from the observation sheet, the teacher has done that according to the guidance book for use ABSTRACT iii of schoology. But, it just there are some parts can be done in an easier and more effective way, and some more interesting idea can be added. Key words: Students’ Perception, Schoology, Online Assessment, Descriptive Qualitative

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Date Deposited: 31 Dec 2021 03:32
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2021 03:32

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