Speech Style Analyis of Main Character “Merida” in Brave Movie Script

OKSYRIA, YUNIATI (2020) Speech Style Analyis of Main Character “Merida” in Brave Movie Script. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Raden Intan Lampung.

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ABSTRACT SPEECH STYLE ANALYSIS OF MAIN CHARACTER “MERIDA” IN BRAVE MOVIE SCRIPT BY OKSYRIA YUNIATI Language isused by humans to express their idea, emotion, and desire by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols. Sociolinguistics is that branch of linguistics which studies just those properties of language and languages whuch require refrence to social including contextual, factors in their explanation. Speech style is the form of the language that uses in daily life including in this Brave movie . The purpose of this research was to know the types of Speech Style which were dominantly present by Merida in Brave movie throught its script. Speech style is defided into five : Frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, intimate style. In this research, the types become main concern because it was the most important in the speech style and it related to speaker intend‘s. The researcher used descriptive qualitative method to describe and analyze the selected of speech style which are taken from the script , and then classification them according to the Martin Joos concept of five types style. In this research the researcher found that Merida not used all of speech style. Merida was used : Formal style, consultative style. Casual style, intimate style. Formal style can be as a style which is used in formal situation and uses formal language. Consultative style is style used in semi-formal communication. Casual style used informal situation and using informal language. Intimate style this style usually used in member of a family, friend or lover that have close relation. Keywords: Brave Movie Script, Language Variaton, Sociolinguistic, SPEAKING theory, Speech Style.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Date Deposited: 11 Nov 2020 03:08
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2020 03:08
URI: http://repository.radenintan.ac.id/id/eprint/12262

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